Solo Travel: 8 Lessons You Learn During Solo Travel
- October 10, 2019
- by
- Tanushekha Agnihottri
We all love to be surrounded by people, to be in our respective comfort zones, and never want to get out of it. But we all also know that there’s no growth until you’re not ready to leave your shell. Time has changed drastically, and now there are a lot of women who travel solo; I have great respect for them. It takes a lot of courage to travel across the globe or within the country alone. Since I have recently started taking up solo trips, I can bet you that “you’ll never regret your decision.” Though travelling with friends is awesome travelling solo changes your entire perspective towards life.
Never Stop Wondering. Never Stop Wandering.
I always thought people will judge you for being left alone. There was a time when eating alone used to be the biggest fear of my life and I used to skip my meals just because I didn’t have someone to eat with. Slowly, I learnt it’s ok to be alone and enjoy your own company. In fact, I crave for weekends when I’m alone and doing things I love. No distractions, no talks, just me and my time. Most of us don’t like spending time alone, but it is a great way of detoxing yourself.
Table of Contents
Solo Travel
With solo travel comes a lot of responsibility, one cannot hit the road spontaneously no matter how adventurous it may sound. Detailed research on the place you want to travel to, will help you to prepare yourself better. While travelling solo try to gel up with locals by, maybe, adapting their clothing styles or wearing something similar. And yes, put that smile on your face it does wonders, trust me.
Even though I have just started off solo travel I feel a strong urge to inspire others as well to do the same. Here’s my experience of solo travel, how it helped me to grow as a person I am today.

It Boosts Your Self-Confidence
There are going to be anxiety attacks as the day of your solo travel approaches nearer. You will continuously want to re-check all the arrangements just one more time. But the moment you’ve finally hopped on your flight/bus/train there will be a feeling accomplishment and excitement. You’ll be proud of how you have pulled off things and the fun has just begun. Managing things on your own will make you realize how good you’re at things you never thought you’ll do. That’s what gives a boost of confidence. And worry not all through your journey where you will successfully do things for the first time and feel more confident.
Your Socializing Skills Gets Enhanced
I know how hard it is starting a conversation with a stranger; I’ve always been the last one to start off a conversation. I always expect others to initiate and I still pretty much suck at it. But slowly I am learning to get involved with fellow travellers. You never know, what if you meet someone who has the same interest as yours and what if they are ready to help you with your travel blog. The more you’re open to conversations the more interesting people you meet. While we’re in a group we never bother to talk to others. A solo traveller has this advantage of getting in touch with more people and thereby enhancing their socializing skills.
Your Itinerary Your Comfort
Ask me how difficult it gets to plan the itinerary when travelling in a group. You must keep in mind everyone’s interest and sometimes it means visiting those ruins of architecture even when you have no interest. Well, travelling alone means you must take care of your interests only, you’re more flexible with dates and of course, there is no second thought when you want to travel to some off-beat destinations.
Skip the crowded places and travel the road less explored. It’s all good as you’re sole in charge of your travel plan. The idea of wandering alone should not scare you if you’re enjoying where you’re. Go back to your hotel anytime you want.
You Meet Strangers Who Turn into Good Friends
Solo travel gives you the chance of meeting new people from across the globe. While some of the people remain in your memories for a lifetime whereas if you’re lucky enough you will find a friend for a lifetime. And imagine bumping into someone from your kindergarten days and then they turn out to be your travel partner for next trips. Life is full of possibilities; it brings in a lot of surprises for us. Worry not if you’re travelling alone. You will end up meeting so many people. So, take a chance and fall in love with strangers and live life to its fullest.
You Learn How to Take Risks Responsibly
Travelling alone feels so much adventurous once you’re into it. But at the same time, you learn to calculate all the risks rather than just jumping into things out of excitement. It’s all about being carefree & responsible at the same time.
Mistakes Only Make You Wiser
Missed flights, lost belongings, late hotel booking, you get into so many troubles but the only person to blame is you. There’s no drama of blame games. Remember how we rely on others for making all the arrangements perfectly but that’s not the case while you’re travelling solo. Whenever you’re stuck in a muggy situation, you’re the only person to blame. You feel so stupid at that moment but afterwards, you accept your mistakes and learn from them. You grow as a wiser person.
Realization of Being Over Materialistic
The day you start travelling and decide to be a solo backpacker, you will eventually realize that “the lesser is better.” You have to carry the weight of your own backpack and you’ll not find kind people everywhere to lift your bag. So, this will push you to pack light and eventually you will buy lesser. When you’re young crave for experiences rather than the materials. As you travel more, you’ll be able to connect to this better. Letting go of your possessions is one of the greatest achievements, it takes a lot of time and won’t happen in a blink of an eye.
Giving up Luxuries
One basic lotion is enough, you don’t need the hair curler, coffee creamer doesn’t do wonders, five pairs of shoes are money wastage, why not sponsor a trip for yourself rather than indulging into buying things you just “want.” Travelling will help you to realize how these small changes in your lifestyle are helping to reduce the burden on the planet as well.
You Come Back as A STRONGER Person.
Well, let me also tell you guys that solo travel is not easy and safe all the time. It’s rather easier to feel wanderlust but when it comes to fulfilling it, it’s going to be tougher than you thought. Hostelworld’s head of product & design and travel expert Breffni Horgan told once, “Don’t let the fear stop you. If you’ve done your research, planned wisely, and set your mind on travelling, you will succeed, and it will change your life. Everyone tells you that travelling will make you more confident, that you’ll find yourself, that you’ll be creatively inspired. That’s all true, but only if you take a chance on solo travel and embrace the challenges that will inevitably pop up along the way.” And I am sure when you’ll travel around solo you’ll agree to each of these words.
So don’t wait for others to join, pack your bag, and go ahead. The world is calling, it’s now or never.